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Apoye a The Healthcare Connection

Su asociación nos ayudará a llegar a más

Formas de asociarse

Somos un centro de atención médica sin fines de lucro que brinda servicios accesibles y de calidad a las personas desfavorecidas y sin seguro médico desde hace más de 50 años. Al realizar una donación, garantiza que los servicios de atención médica estén disponibles para todos los pacientes, independientemente de sus medios económicos.

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Business Handshake

Corporate Sponsorship Plan

THCC is grateful for the businesses and organizations who have already committed to supporting our cause in the past years through corporate sponsorship. Our corporate sponsorship plan allows you to donate to THCC in exchange for certain cause marketing benefits through our various marketing outlets and company events. This will allow your brand to reach more people and gain more exposure. You can choose to either give once for the entire year or monthly based on the sponsorship level you choose. 

Corporate Sponsorship Benefits

  1. You can make a difference! By giving to THCC you will help us serve those who may not have access to affordable healthcare services.

  2. You'll be part of a community of like-minded individuals and businesses who share the same desire and goals to help build and better the community.

  3. You'll have access to a large and growing audience. As THCC expands so does your business. With sponsorship, your business will be exposed to thousands of potential customers, clients, or patrons.


Honoring Legacy Fund

THCC is committed to honoring its legacy and creating opportunities for others within the community to go after their dreams and support the community. The Honoring Legacy Fund will give THCC a chance to honor its founder Dolores J. Lindsay by officially deeming the Lincoln Heights location as the "Dolores J. Lindsay Campus". 

This ceremony will take place in April 2025. Your support of this effort will allow us to keep our legacy alive and honor the hard work and dedication Mrs. Lindsay has given to The Healthcare Connection over the past 55+ years.  


Community Impact Partners

THCC hosts several community outreach events throughout the year. Each event brings our community great resources and benefits that will help them throughout the year. THCC currently hosts the following events yearly:

  • Community Backpack Giveaway

  • Thanksgiving Meal Giveaway

  • Various Pop Up Screening Clinics 

We encourage you to consider partnering with us this year as we give back to our community.  You can allocate which community event you'd like your donation to go toward on the donation page.  

Other Ways to Partner

Online Via Credit /Debit Card or PayPal Account

Donar con cheque o efectivo

Puede donar en efectivo o con cheque enviándolo por correo a:

1401 Avenida Steffens.

Cincinnati, Ohio 45215

Los cheques deben hacerse a nombre de

"La conexión con la atención sanitaria"

Gift of Stock

Comuníquese con la Oficina de Desarrollo al 513-483-3072

Regalo planeado

Comuníquese con la Oficina de Desarrollo al 513-483-307

Recompensas de la comunidad de Kroger

¡Elija The HealthCare Connection cuando compre en Kroger!

Aquí te explicamos cómo:
1. Descargué la aplicación de Kroger
2. Haga clic en las tres líneas en la esquina superior derecha de la aplicación.
3. Haga clic en Recompensas.
4. Haga clic en Recompensas de la comunidad.
5. Ingrese The HealthCare Connection en la barra de búsqueda en la parte superior.

Utilizando el sitio web : Solo tienes que iniciar sesión en tu cuenta de Kroger en línea ( y luego, en la barra de búsqueda principal, escribir “recompensas comunitarias”. Colocar The HealthCare Connection.

El número de recompensas de HealthCare Connection es MC746.

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